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Time to Act

March is women's history month. A time to look back at the history of women in our society. A time to reflect on the contributions women have made to society. For many, this means looking back at historical figures such as Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Shirley Chisholm, Sally Ride and others who have changed our expectations of women. This year, I am reflective of the more recent past. In the United States, it seems, that January 20, 2017, marked the beginning of the era of The Woman.

For the past year and two months, women have insisted on being heard. With marches and social media movements, we have said to the world, we refuse to be silenced any longer. Years of being passed over, dismissed, harassed, assaulted and humiliated culminated when the first women elected by a major political party as the candidate for President of the United States was defeated. The women's march in response to the 2016 presidential election morphed into the #metoo movement.
While, a reaction to specific acts of workplace sexual harassment, the #metoo movement was an extension of the need to be heard. A focus on one of many issues facing women - and men - that issue being sexual assault and harassment. From the many #metoo's, it is obvious that workplace sexual harassment and assault, the sexual assaults of children, and sexual assaults which are often known as "date rape" are prevalent in our society.

It is time we do something about this epidemic. We are #FedUp.

Women are feeling ignored, devalued and set back by a new administration. Lewd, public remarks by members of the administration, legislation making access to reproductive health care harder, if not illegal, and access to health care itself is being threatened.

Abortion is often viewed as a "moral" issue. Some anti-abortionist goes to great lengths to protect fetuses, with little regard for the life of the mother - isn't her life worth protecting? And the life of the doctors who perform this procedure. What many of these anti-abortionists don't realize is that doctors performed abortions before they were legal. In instances where the mother's life was at stake, a procedure known as a DNC would be performed - safely. By being upfront and honest about the realities of life. We can prevent a families shame, pain and the anguish of medical professionals by acknowledging that doctors and patients are the best individuals to make medical decisions.

Legislators enact laws, not morals. Parents and religious leaders teach morals. We would have more morals in our communities if individuals each had the information and the tools to decide if and when they become parents. By providing factual information in our schools on sexual health, and reproductive options, we can prevent unintended pregnancies. Sex education in our schools does not promote sexual activity Hormones and natural curiosity promotes sexual activity. If, as a society, we choose to ignore this fact, we only have ourselves to blame for the consequences. Those consequences include, absent, neglectful parents which lead to angry, undisciplined children who grow into angry disillusioned teenagers and adults. This anger spills over into our society, increasing our crime rates, including the high domestic violence rate in this country, accounting for 15% of all crime, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

According to the US Sentencing Commission, quarterly drug offenses account for the highest percentage of penalized crime in our country. Social scientists have shown that lack of familial or other support, can lead to criminal activity and violence in later life.
Solidifying the family, by allowing individuals access to information and tools necessary to make informed decisions about when and if they start families can reduce drug crimes and violence in our society. Less crime and less violence is something we all can agree on. So, let's start there. Let's find ways to work together to make our society stronger, not weakened by drugs and imprisonment. To include all members of our population working together, being heard, in the past two weeks we have seen what driven teenagers can do in a positive way. If we would only listen to them. Women are raising their voices louder than ever, let's listen, learn and act.


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