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Movie Review: The Post

The Post seems like a straightforward movie. It recounts a time in US history when a whistleblower bordered on treason to expose government secrets about an unpopular war. I saw right through the facade. What I saw was a movie about historical events, that had significant relevance for the present time.

When Liz Hannah and Josh Singer wrote the screenplay focusing on the role of Washington Post Matriarch Katherine Graham, I don't know if they had in mind the recent power surge by women. But the story of Katherine Graham and the role of the press, and the cover-up by the government all captured the current zeitgeist.

On the surface, The Post is about freedom of the press. Beneath the surface, The Post reminds us that our government can be mired in subterfuge, that people in power can have questionable motives based on greed and ego, and most poignantly it shows how a woman found her voice. 

Succinctly and eloquently put by a woman who herself was behind the scenes tending to the comfort of others. It was brave for a woman when her voice is rarely ever heard, having been passed over, overlooked and dismissed. It was a brave choice for a woman to risk the future of a company her father started, and her late husband managed. Yet, when the time came, she met the challenge and said what she had to say. 

This is more than a movie explaining the events in our recent past. The Post reflects much of what we are facing today. A time of 'fake news', and propaganda instigated by foreign countries, influencing the trajectory of our own. A time when, like then, it would be wise for news agencies to put aside their competitive differences and focus on their responsibility of informing the public in a truthful, objective and ethical manner. Our press can either join a united fight to steam the divisiveness and focus on the truth. Or the press can continue to divide our country into Team Blue and Team Red, with polarizing rhetoric on the events of the day. The truth is always the truth. Our interpretation of that truth can have two sides, we can debate the consequences of the truth, but the truth - what happened, and what studies project will happen (as was the case with the Pentagon Papers)  - will always be the truth. And this little move that could, demonstrates this in a powerful way. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend The Post. 


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